Small Business Owners - What isn't true at all...

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." - unknown

Like many others, when I first started my bookkeeping business - I wanted to have more time with my family, a flexible schedule, and to escape corporate America. 

I am Shanna Quinn, the owner of East Orlando Bookkeeping and Bookkeeping 4 Contractors.  We just celebrated our 7-year anniversary, reached a half million in annual revenue, and have a staff of 6. 

While I could not be more proud of what my team and I have built, I've found that having a "flexible schedule" as an entrepreneur seems to be a more of a myth, and completely untrue.   In the bookkeeping industry and the accounting industry at large, there are expectations set that we as bookkeepers should work an 8am to 5pm schedule. Which makes total sense, as a service provider, you are to be available when your clients are working. 

However, what was true, was that I was able to research and learn from some amazing women in the bookkeeping and accounting industry.  Knowing, by the time I started my business, that my original goals and reasons were not obtainable in this industry without many years of hard work, which then made me aware of how much harder I needed to work so the sooner than later, came earlier.

Now at the seven year mark, I can honestly say that being a sponge and absorbing everything I could possibly take in and apply to my own bookkeeping and accounting business is paying off and that sooner than later is here. I've got an amazing team that I can trust and depend on to provide my clients the same level of expertise and customer service as myself.  I've invested time and money to get the firms organized and automated to provide a smooth client experience. I've learned how to utilize my team to delegate properly, so I can act as CEO. 

As an bookkeeping professional you'll want to prioritize your learning so that you can scale your business.  Check out the resources we have at the Bookkeepers HQ



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