At The Bookkeepers HQ, we will teach you how to attract your perfect match organically and how to work with them so they stay, pay, and refer.



Looking for a solution for your entire accounting or bookkeeping firm? Click the button below to learn more 👇


Firm Essentials



Our membership programs are based on level of experience and/or education as an Accounting Professional and where you are in becoming self-employed.  Where do you fall?





You are starting a virtual bookkeeping business, but you are not sure where to start and aren’t 110% on your accounting knowledge or need a refresher.

The Foundations membership level will give you access to small business and accounting education and resources to get your business up and running and help fill in the gaps in your accounting and software/application knowledge.




You have several years of experience and/or education in the accounting field, but you’re looking to level up.

The Business Builder membership level gives you access to all that The Foundations level provides plus higher-level accounting education, internal legal documentation templates, task tracking templates, and much more.



You have the experience and/education in the accounting field, an established firm, but are looking to continue your education and learn how to attract that perfect fit client.

The Go-Getter membership level gives you access to all that is in The Foundations and Business Builder levels plus we help you with getting application certifications, high-level workbooks (pre-built out), and you get access to additional resources about maintaining that work/life balance as a busy virtual Accounting Professional.

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

The Foundations


Annual Cost $2,127.60 (Save $236.40)

  • CORE Level SchoolofBookkeeping
    * Access to general accounting and product training videos

  • CBG/ QuickBook Product Discounts
    * Direct link to register and order QB products

  • 1-year membership to Accounting Coach
    * A great tool for any accounting related question you may have

  • Business Establishment Assistance
    *What to do, how to do, and what not to do advise delivered by loom and general postings

  • One-Sheet Templates
    * 3 templates and advice on how to fill out

  • Referrals

The Business Builder


Annual Cost $3,207.60 (Save $356.40)

Everything inside The Foundations, plus..

  • Accountant Level SchoolofBookkeeping
    * CORE plus access to QBO certification help
  • Proposal Templates
  • Agreement Templates
  • Industry-Specific Chart of Account Samples
  • Industry-Specific Cost Code Samples
  •   ClickUp Template

  •  Task Templates


The Go Getter


Annual Cost $5,367.60 (Save $596.40)

Everything inside The Business Builder, plus...

  • TBHQ Chat Board Access for Q&A
  • Custom Report Build-out Assistance
  • Internal Budget Workbook
  • Taste of Profit First
  • Profit First Allocation Workbook
  • Job Costing Workbook 


Our founder and team have worked hard, and continue to work hard, to gather and provide up to date resources for further educating yourself, access to 3rd party services for additional education and product certification support, along with application discounts, and much, much more. 

Here at The Bookkeepers HQ, our ultimate goal is to help guide and support you on this journey to success.  As an accounting professional it is important to stay educated on the ever changing world of accounting and while taxes may not be in your future, knowing just enough is important to your client's success.  Most small business owners DO NOT have a steady CPA relationship and most definitely DO NOT have that quarterly tax planning support. 

You are not just a Bookkeeper, you are an Accounting Professional that helps educate your clients on how to properly manage their money in an effort to be profitable at year-end while also supporting their need for guidance on tax-saving opportunities.  You are also providing customer support to your client and forming a relationship with them as you would if you were in the office side by side.